ENBIS Webinar: Introducing the INFORMS Journal on Data Science (IJDS): Data + Models + Decisions + Implications

Jean-Michel Poggi (University of Paris-Saclay)

Webinar: Introducing the INFORMS Journal on Data Science (IJDS): Data + Models + Decisions + Implications

Part of the webinar series "ENBIS meets the editors"

Speaker: Galit Shmueli (National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan)

Date: 9th March 2022, at 12:30-13:30 CET


Galit Shmueli is Tsing Hua Distinguished Professor at the Institute of Service Science at the College of Technology Management, National Tsing Hua University (NTHU), Taiwan. Her research focuses on statistical and data mining methods for contemporary data structures and especially behavioral big data. Before joining NTHU, she was the SRITNE Chaired Professor of Data Analytics and Associate Professor of Statistics & Information Systems at the Indian School of Business, and tenured Associate Professor at University of Maryland's Smith School of Business. She is the inaugural editor-in-chief of the INFORMS Journal on Data Science.


    • 12:30 PM 1:30 PM
      Introducing the INFORMS Journal on Data Science (IJDS): Data + Models + Decisions + Implications 1h

      The INFORMS Journal on Data Science (IJDS) publishes top innovative and potentially impactful data science methodologies contributing to decision making in business, management, and industry. Opened since Fall 2020, with the first issue is expected in early 2022, the IJDS aims to become a top journal in business schools and IE departments. Data science research for decision-making environments is motivated by decision-making challenges and the availability of new types of data. The IJDS welcomes manuscripts on research motivated by a relevant, real-world decision making challenge, and that introduces a novel data science methodology or approach where data is focal. This combination distinguishes IJDS papers from those suitable for data science journals in other disciplines as well as from domain-based journals.

      Speaker: Galit Shmueli (National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan)