Dental Data Analytics – gaining insight from operational dental practice

Shirley Coleman (NU Solve, Newcastle University)

Dental Data Analytics – gaining insight from operational dental practice data

Speaker: Rosie Pritchett BSc(Hons), B.Dental Surgery, MFDS RCPS(Glasgow)

Chair: Shirley Coleman PhD CStat

Date: 3rd December 2024, at 12:30-13:30 CET

Dental practices collect a mass of interesting data as part of their day-to-day operations. Some data is administrative such as locations of patients and the pattern of their treatments, other data is required by regulatory bodies such as the fees patients pay and their attendance records. The webinar will showcase insight from visualizing data and the practice decisions that follow. New work applying the ideas of customer lifetime value to patient appointments data will show how to quantify the value of the dental practice and predict future prospects.

Keywords: Data science, statistical models, business improvement, decision making, loyalty, commitment, trust, customer lifetime value, patient lifetime value


Rosie Pritchett received a Bachelor of Dental Surgery from Queen Mary University of London in 2015. They have worked within a variety of clinical settings since graduation, including periods working abroad in Sweden and Australia. Their current role involves training within community dentistry, providing care to those who are unable to be seen in general dental practice. Rosie is interested in optimizing dental practice via the use of data and emerging technologies.


    • 12:30 13:30
      Dental Data Analytics – gaining insight from operational dental practice data 1h
      Speaker: Rosie Pritchett