JQT, Technometrics and QE Invited Session (ASQ)
- Chair: Bianca Maria Colosimo (Politecnico di Milano)
American Society for Quality (ASQ)
Complexity manifests itself in many ways when attempting to solve different problems, and different tools are needed to deal with the different dimensions underlying that complexity. Not all complexity is created equal. We find that most treatments of complexity in problem-solving within both the statistical and quality literature focus narrowly on technical complexity, which includes the...
In multistage manufacturing systems, modeling multiple quality indices based on the process sensing variables is important. However, the classic modeling technique predicts each quality variable one at a time, which fails to consider the correlation within or between stages. We propose a deep multistage multi-task learning framework to jointly predict all output sensing variables in a unified...
Despite the vast amount of literature on supersaturated designs (SSDs), there is a scant record of their use in practice. We contend this imbalance is due to conflicting recommendations regarding SSD use in the literature as well as the designs' inabilities to meet practitioners' analysis expectations. To address these issues, we first summarize practitioner concerns and expectations of SSDs...