Machine learning and industrial applications (SFdS)
- Chair: Yannig Goude (EDF R&D)
Societe Francaise de Statistique (SFdS)
We propose a three-step approach to forecasting time series of electricity consumption at different levels of household aggregation. These series are linked by hierarchical constraints -global consumption is the sum of regional consumption, for example. First, benchmark forecasts are generated for all series using generalized additive models; second, for each series, the aggregation algorithm...
We propose a methodology for the selection and/or aggregation of probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) models, which uses Bayes's theory by optimally exploiting all available observations, in this case, the seismic and accelerometric databases. When compared to the actual method of calculation, the proposed approach, simpler to implement, allows a significant reduction in computation...
Future grid management systems will coordinate distributed production and storage resources to manage, in a cost-effective fashion,
the increased load and variability brought by the electrification of transportation and by a higher share of weather-dependent production.
Electricity demand forecasts at a low level of aggregation will be key inputs for such systems. In this talk, I'll focus on...