Opening day
Submission deadline
We cordially invite you to submit an abstract (maximum of 250 words) by the deadline of 30th of April 2025. The abstract submission is now open.
ENBIS conferences welcome people from academia, industry and third sector organizations who are interested in theoretical developments and practical applications in the fields of business and industrial statistics. Examples of ways of making your contribution accessible include:
• A theoretical development with an example of application and a discussion of where else this new method could be used and what could have been used instead
• An application or case study where alternative methods were applied
• The inclusion of a shared open problem or incomplete project with an invitation to suggest approaches
Our aim is for participants to come home filled with inspiration and new ideas for their practice. Please try to meet the challenge of making your presentation accessible to participants from different areas of statistics and data science, and to practitioners, researchers and educators.
To submit an abstract, you have to login or become an ENBIS member at members.enbis.org. If you are already an ENBIS member and this is the first time you are logging in, you will have to use the "Forgot Password?" function to create a new password. After successfully logging in, you can submit an abstract using the button at the bottom of this page.