15–19 Sept 2024
Leuven, Belgium
Europe/Berlin timezone

Mini workshop: having fun with statistics

17 Sept 2024, 15:45
Conference room 2

Conference room 2

Other/ Special/ Invited Teaching statistics


Dr Stefanie Feiler (FHNW School of Life Sciences)


Over the years I've seen diverse examples of fun elements in teaching statistics at the ENBIS. Of course paper helicopters and using catapults, or candle or water beads projects, for hands-on experience with DoE. But I also vividly remember a Lego assembly competition used for explaining control charts and process control.

Fun parts boost motivation and serve as anchors to remember contents. I believe that among the ENBIS participants there is a wealth of experience, of examples we have used, seen or dreamt of.

In this session I want to offer an opportunity for sharing these ideas and experience, and to become inspired by what we learn from others - from entire course concepts to quick ideas enhancing a short input for colleagues.

I will give a very short introduction, talking about motivation and engagement, and also show my own stats escape room. Then we'll get together in groups and share.

Hopefully, you'll leave with some fresh ideas and new acquaintances.

Type of presentation Talk
Classification Mainly application
Keywords teaching, fun, exchange

Primary author

Dr Stefanie Feiler (FHNW School of Life Sciences)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.