Teaching statistics
- Sophie Mézières (INRIA BIGS - IECL)
Project and problem-based learning is becoming increasingly important in teaching. In statistics courses in particular, it is important not only to impart statistical knowledge, but also to keep an eye on the entire process of data analysis. This can best be achieved with case studies or data analysis projects. In the IPPOLIS project, we are developing a software learning tool that allows...
The "DOE Marble Tower" is a modular 3D-printed experiment system for teaching Design of Experiments. I designed it to solve one primary weakness of most DOE exercises, namely to prevent the ability of the experimenter to simply look at the system to figure out what each factor does. By hiding the mechanics, the DOE Marble Tower feels much more like real processes where the only way to know the...
Over the years I've seen diverse examples of fun elements in teaching statistics at the ENBIS. Of course paper helicopters and using catapults, or candle or water beads projects, for hands-on experience with DoE. But I also vividly remember a Lego assembly competition used for explaining control charts and process control.
Fun parts boost motivation and serve as anchors to remember...