15–16 May 2024
Europe/Berlin timezone

Discrimination certain group of people through Artificial Intelligence.

15 May 2024, 14:44


Emil-Figge-Straße 42, 44227 Dortmund
Spring Meeting Poster


Evgenia Kovalskaya (FH Dortmund)


Artificial intelligence plays an important role today. It facilitates or completely takes over office tasks such as writing, formatting, and correcting texts, or in the medical field, enabling early detection and diagnosis of diseases.

However, data provided by algorithms can significantly disadvantage certain individuals. The results of such discrimination are often noticed later and can lead to misunderstandings or even legal violations.

This literature review provides a general overview of the discrimination of certain groups of people by artificial intelligence. The search strategy is based on English and German word pairs and well-known databases, conducted using the PRISMA method. The literature found primarily focuses on various digital platforms (such as delivery
platforms, job portals, or social platforms). Selected examples of injustice in delivery, advertising, and biometrics aim to
demonstrate the diverse and unpredictable nature of AI discrimination.

So it is demonstrated how self-service booking makes it easier to assign tasks to drivers, but inadvertently results in negative impacts on their statistics and reputation due to factors like cancellations and participation in strikes. Additionally, Facebook Ad
Platform assists in crafting personalized ads; however, the algorithm's use of gender-based images can result in gender bias. Biometric data provides valuable information for identifying individuals, but assigning demographic labels during analysis may also lead to discriminatory outcomes.

It is expected that the use of AI algorithms will increase in the future, and they will be tested before deployment to ensure that the algorithm is fair.

Type of presentation Poster

Primary author

Evgenia Kovalskaya (FH Dortmund)

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