17–18 May 2021
Europe/London timezone

High-dimensional copula-based classification using truncation and thresholding

18 May 2021, 10:00


Data Science in Process Industries Process modelling


Mr Max-Carl Wachter (University of Wuerzburg)


Bayes classifiers rest on maximising the joint conditional PDF of the feature vector under the class value. The usage of copulae is the most flexible way of fitting joint distributions to data. In recent years, the problem of applying copulae to high dimensions has been approached with Vine copulae. Nevertheless, the application to very high dimensions in the order of several thousands have not yet been studied on large scale in the literature. The present work investigates the feasibility of Bayes classification based on copula modelling in problems with up to 5000 feature components, with a relatively small sample to dimension ratio. To fit Vine copulae successfully in useful computational time in this environment, we use truncation and thresholding. In particular, the potential of thresholding has not yet been studied in classification approaches. We develop approaches for choosing the relevant thresholding levels. Simulation experiments show that the resulting classifiers are strongly competitive with other classifiers as SVM.

Primary authors

Mr Max-Carl Wachter (University of Wuerzburg) Mr Andrew Easton (University of Wuerzburg) Rainer Göb (University of Wuerzburg)

Presentation materials