17–18 May 2021
Europe/London timezone

Poster(video) or paper. AMADO-online, a Free App to Display and Analyse Data Matrix by combining Bertin's Visualisation Method with Factorial Analysis and Hierarchical Classification

Not scheduled


Data Science in Process Industries


Jean-Hugues CHAUCHAT (Université Lumière Lyon2)


The free multilingual AMADO-online application displays and analyses data matrix (binary, counts, responses to Likert-type items, or measures of heterogeneous variables, etc.) by combining Bertin's visualisation method with Factorial Analysis (to find an approximately diagonal structure, if it exists in the data) and Hierarchical Classification (to find bock-models).
AMADO-online is available on https://paris-timemachine.huma-num.fr/amado/
At the bottom of the homepage, you can open the demonstration video (4 minutes) in English or French.
The home page offers the choice of 7 languages: English, French, Spanish, Italian, Ukrainian, Russian and Vietnamese; a Chinese version is under development.
- either the opening of the 35 pages User's Guide, in English or French; it details all the commands and many examples fully processed, with the files you need,
- or the start of the application

Primary authors

Dr PHAM Nguyen-Khang (Can Tho city, Viet Nam) Jean-Hugues CHAUCHAT (Université Lumière Lyon2)

Presentation materials

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