10–14 Sept 2023
Europe/Madrid timezone

Where are the Limits of AI? And How Can You Overcome these Limits with Human Domain Knowledge?

12 Sept 2023, 16:40



Andrea Ahlemeyer-Stubbe (Ahlemeyer-Stubbe)Dr Eva Scheideler (Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe)


AI is the key to optimizing the customer experience. But without explicit industry knowledge, empathy, knowledge of currents, values and cultural characteristics of the audience, the cultivation, and expansion of customer relationships falls short of expectations. AI and the segmentation and forecasting possibilities that come with it quickly become a blunt sword. Only in combination with human domain knowledge can campaigns be developed that ensure an optimal, hyperindividualised customer approach in a fully automated manner and thus enable an inspiring customer experience. For decisive success, it takes both man and machine.

Classification Both methodology and application
Keywords AI, domain knowledge, optimizing customer experience, industry knowledge

Primary author

Andrea Ahlemeyer-Stubbe (Ahlemeyer-Stubbe)

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