10–14 Sept 2023
Europe/Madrid timezone

Forecasting Electric Vehicle Charging Stations' Occupation: Smarter Mobility Data Challenge

12 Sept 2023, 09:10


Machine learning CONTRIBUTED Environment


Yvenn Amara-Ouali (Université Paris Saclay)


In this talk, we propose to discuss the Smarter Mobility Data Challenge organised by the AI Manifesto, a French business network promoting AI in industry, and TAILOR, a European project aiming to provide the scientific foundations for trustworthy AI. The challenge required participants to test statistical and machine learning prediction models to predict the statuses of a set of electric vehicle (EV) charging stations in the city of Paris, at different geographical resolutions. The competition attracted 165 unique registrations, with 28 teams submitting a solution and 8 teams successfully reaching the final stage. After providing an overview of the context of electric mobility and the importance of predicting the occupancy of a charging station for smart charging applications, we describe the structure of the competition and the winning solutions.

Classification Both methodology and application
Keywords Data Challenge, Machine Learning, Forecasting, Smart Charging, AI Manifesto

Primary author

Yvenn Amara-Ouali (Université Paris Saclay)

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