10–14 Sept 2023
Europe/Madrid timezone

Building Blocks for a Data Driven Organization

11 Sept 2023, 11:00



María Cristina Fernández (Grupo Santander)


Applying Machine Learning techniques in our business require several elements beyond the Statistics and Math. The main building blocks which would enable a real deployment and use of Machine Learning commonly imply data and statistics but also expert teams, technology, frames, tools, governance, regulation and processes, amongst other. Expert data scientists knowing the limits of the algorithms and data, the nature of the problem and the optimal fit into the business are essential, jointly to technology and tools adequacy and a deep understanding of the process design. Ethical and fair playing fields must be ensured by a prompt and timely regulation, channeled through the right internal governance in the companies. Therefore, numerous challenges are faced by the industry when transposing the latest solutions on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence to become a Data Driven organization.

Classification Mainly application
Keywords Machine Learning; Artificial Intelligence; Data

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