10–14 Sept 2023
Europe/Madrid timezone

Cost-Sensitive Classifiers for Fraud Detection

12 Sept 2023, 18:10



Jorge C. Rella (Abanca Servicios Financieros and Universidade da Coruña)


Financial fraud detection is a classification problem where each operation have a different misclassification cost depending on its amount. Thus, it fall within the scope of instance-dependent cost-sensitive classification problems. When modeling the problem with a parametric model, as a logistic regression, using a loss function incorporating the costs has proven to result in a more effective parameter estimation compared to classical approaches, which only rely on the likelihood maximization. The drawback is that this has only been empirically demonstrated in a limited number of datasets, thus resulting in a lack of support for their generalized application. This work has two aims. The first is to propose cost-sensitive parameter estimators and develop its consistency properties and asymptotic distribution under general conditions. The second aim is to test the cost-sensitive strategy over a wide range of simulations and scenarios, testing the improvement obtained with the proposed cost-sensitive estimators compared to a cost-insensitive approach.

Classification Both methodology and application
Keywords Cost-sensitive classification, fraud detection, credit risk

Primary authors

Jorge C. Rella (Abanca Servicios Financieros and Universidade da Coruña) Prof. Gerda Claeskens (KU Leuven) Prof. Ricardo Cao (Universidade da Coruña) Prof. Juan M. Vilar (Universidade da Coruña)

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