10–14 Sept 2023
Europe/Madrid timezone

Set Estimation for Dimensional Control in Shipbuilding

11 Sept 2023, 15:40


Other/special session/invited session INVITED Spanish: Industry Applications


Prof. Salvador Naya (Universidade da Coruña)


Within the framework of the Mixed Research Center (CEMI) between the company Navantia and the University of A Coruña, one of the research lines consists of using statistical methods for dimensional control of panel production. This paper will present some advances in the use of set estimation for detecting singular elements in panels and determining their geometric characteristics (angles between elements, lack of flatness, welding defects, etc.), which allow detecting deviations with respect to nominal parameters and minimizing industrial reprocessing in shipbuilding.

There exists currently a pilot system for obtaining point clouds using artificial vision for inspecting dimensional control and welding quality. The datasets (point clouds) extracted from panel scanning have a typical size of the order of hundreds of millions of points. As a consequence, traditional set estimation methods can be very time-consuming from a computational viewpoint. Through the use of subsampling, nonparametric density estimation of projections of the point cloud, as well as modern set estimation techniques (such as those existing in the R package alphashape), efficient algorithms have been implemented that allow carrying out dimensional quality control for manufactured panels.

Classification Both methodology and application
Keywords Set estimation; point clouds; shipbuilding

Primary author

Ricardo Cao (Universidade da Coruña)


Mrs Nataly Romarís Lodeiro (Universidade da Coruña y Navantia)

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