10–14 Sept 2023
Europe/Madrid timezone

Applied Research as a Tool to Influence Policy

12 Sept 2023, 13:35



Daphna Aviram Nitzan (Israel Democracy Institute)


My main goals, as the Director of the Center for Governance and the Economy in the Israel Democracy Institute is to initiate, lead and manage applied research and to professionally analyze the key developments within Israeli economy, society and labor market. I work towards achieving these goals on several tracks:

  1. Recruiting a team of talented professionals, experts in data analysis. .
  2. Constructing a unique database containing anonymized administrative data from various government bodies, mainly from the ICBS (including demographic information, educational and employment history). The database is updated on an ongoing basis to ensure that it includes the most recent data available.
  3. Using cutting edge research and advanced programming capabilities (including Machine Learning techniques, Prediction Models and Big Data algorithms) while applying various empirical methods.
  4. Adapting new research strategies, and when necessary, acquiring external data (in addition to the ICBS data) from data-collecting bodies
  5. Providing intensive professional guidance to the young data analysis researchers, making sure they focus on an applied policy recommendation.
  6. Maintaining a professional and unbiased approach to the research projects, with an emphasis on professional integrity.
  7. Identifying relevant partners in the government, business sector, academia and the civil service interested in the research outcomes and open to adapting our policy recommendation. In order to gain partners' collaboration, we usually establish a think tank. that accompanies the research and sometimes serves as the research steering committee.
    Our research has led to the completion of many project on the ground, alongside the publishing of the following research papers: Intergenerational Mobility among Populations in Israel, The Evolving Tasks and Skills Necessary in the Israeli Job Market. Return of the COVID-Unemployed to Work
Classification Mainly application

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