10–14 Sept 2023
Europe/Madrid timezone

Joint Modelling of Longitudinal and Event-Time Data for the Analysis of Longitudinal Medical Studies


Prof. Ruwanthi Kolamunnage-Dona


Joint modelling is a modern statistical method that has the potential to reduce biases and uncertainties due to informative participant follow-up in longitudinal studies. Although longitudinal study designs are widely used in medical research, they are often analysed by simple statistical methods, which do not fully exploit the information in the resulting data. In observational studies, biomarkers are measured at irregular follow-up visit times, and in randomised controlled trials, participant dropout is common during the intended follow-up; which are often correlated with patient’s prognosis. Joint modelling combines longitudinal biomarker and event-time data simultaneously into a single model through latent associations. We describe the methodology of joint models with some applications in health research.

Classification Both methodology and application
Keywords Joint modelling, Longitudinal Data, Survival Data

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