10–14 Sept 2023
Europe/Madrid timezone

AI's Adventures in Batchland: A Case Study in Massive Batch Processing

11 Sept 2023, 11:30


Other/special session/invited session INVITED Spanish: Machine Learning in Business


Iñaki Ucar (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)


We often think of digitalization as the application of complex machine learning algorithms to vast amounts of data. Unfortunately, this raw material is not always available, and, in particular, many traditional businesses with well-established processes accumulate a large technical debt that impedes progress towards more modern paradigms. In this talk, we review a complete case study, from data collection to production deployment, combining old and new techniques for monitoring and optimizing massive batch processing.

Classification Mainly application
Keywords batch processing, critical path, service-level agreement

Primary author

Iñaki Ucar (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)

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