- Rossella Berni (Department of Statistics, Computer Science, Applications -University of Florence)
This article studies the willingness of the citizens of the 27 EU countries to change their travel and tourism habits to assume a more sustainable behavior. The study wants to contribute to the recent literature on the topic of interconnections between tourism and sustainability. The data comes from the Flash Eurobarometer survey 499, involving more than 25,000 European citizens. The survey...
A document of the Joint Committee for Guides in Metrology [JCGM 106:2012 - Evaluation of measurement data – The role of measurement uncertainty in conformity assessment] provides a Bayesian approach to perform conformity assessment (CA) of a scalar property of a single item (a product, material, object, etc.). It gives a methodology to calculate specific and global risks of false decisions for...
The main contributions of the work (joint with P. Semeraro, Politecnico di Torino) are algorithms to sample from multivariate Bernoulli distributions and to determine the distributions and bounds of a wide class of indices and measures of probability mass functions. Probability mass functions of exchangeable Bernoulli distributions are points in a convex polytope, and we provide an analytical...