INVITED JQT/QE/Technometrics
- Bart De Ketelaere (Catholic University of Leuven)
We propose a novel Bayesian binary classification framework for networks with labeled nodes. Our approach is motivated by applications in brain connectome studies, where the overarching goal is to identify both regions of interest (ROIs) in the brain and connections between ROIs that influence how study subjects are classified. We develop a binary logistic regression framework with the network...
Extensive studies have been conducted on how to select efficient designs with respect to a criterion. Most design criteria aim to capture the overall efficiency of the design across all columns. When prior information indicated that a small number of factors and their two-factor interactions (2fi's) are likely to be more significant than other effects, commonly used minimum aberration designs...
We argue against the use of generally weighted moving average (GWMA) control charts. Our primary reasons are the following: 1) There is no recursive formula for the GWMA control chart statistic, so all previous data must be stored and used in the calculation of each chart statistic. 2) The Markovian property does not apply to the GWMA statistics, so computer simulation must be used to...