17–18 May 2021
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How can we help managers

17 May 2021, 16:45


Data Science in Process Industries Process management


Mr Roland Caulcutt (Caulcutt Associates)


Managers make decisions that may affect the survival of the organisation and the future of many employees. It would be comforting to learn that these managers can get all the help they need to base their decisions on reliable data, but I suspect that this is not the case.
Managers who have ready access to a statistician who can communicate effectively with clients may be well satisfied. Other managers who are dependent on an "amateur" analyst using Excel may be misled by oversimplification and/or a focus on attribute data.
Those who have the greatest need of support are managers who make decisions without data, not being aware of the unconscious processes within the brain that are likely to introduce bias. These bases can be easily demonstrated by simple exercises.

Primary author

Mr Roland Caulcutt (Caulcutt Associates)

Presentation materials