17–18 May 2021
Europe/London timezone

Uncertainty Analysis of Railway Track Measurements

17 May 2021, 11:35


Data Science in Process Industries Process analytics in railway applications


Stefan Müllner (Consulting in Industrial Statistics)


The maintenance process of railway tracks was for a long time purely event-driven, i.e., reactive. In the last decade, considerable research and development effort has been made in order to turn this into a pro-active work, i.e., analyse data from railway net as well as traffic, model a position-specific stress in terms of wear and predict the time for a required maintenance action.
One of the main challenges in this process is the collection of railway track measurements. The state-of-the-art is to estimate the position-specific state of a track based on signals of acceleration sensors. The signal of such sensors contains white noise which covers the relation between track geometry, vehicle speed and the response variables, i.e., x-, y- and z-accelerations.
In the railway community, there are established standards on how filter signals from acceleration sensors, using specific low-pass and band-pass filters. This talk illustrates some key results found in the course of a research project on the effect of the filters and repeated measurements on the acceleration signals in rail track measurements.

Primary author

Stefan Müllner (Consulting in Industrial Statistics)


Ms Anna Pichler (Virtual Vehicle Research GmbH) Mr Bernd Luber (Virtual Vehicle Research GmbH) Mr Florian Semrad (Siemens AG Graz) Mr Josef Fuchs (Virtual Vehicle Research GmbH)

Presentation materials