- JONATHAN SMYTH-RENSHAW (JSR Business Consultancy)
Most of the previous studies in Phase II analysis in real-life applications focused on monitoring profiles assuming that the estimated models and control-limits from Phase I are correctly performed with no model misspecification. However, these models may not perfectly fit the relationship between the response variable and the independent variable(s). Thus, this research proposes two new...
In this talk we discuss new Poisson CUSUM methods for space-time monitoring of geographical disease outbreaks. In particular, we develop likelihood ratio tests and change-point estimators for detecting changes in spatially distributed Poisson count data subject to linear drifts. The effectiveness of the proposed monitoring approach in detecting and identifying trend-type shifts is studied by...
CUSUMs based on the signed sequential ranks of observations are developed for detecting location and scale changes in symmetric distributions. The CUSUMs are distribution-free and fully self-starting: given a specified in-control median and nominal in-control average run length, no parametric specification of the underlying distribution is required in order to find the correct control limits....