CONTRIBUTED Design of Experiment 1
- Osmo Kauppila (University of Oulu)
This work will focus on experiments with several variables (responses) to be observed over time. The observations will be taken on different experimental units that may have distinct characteristics, and they may be correlated in several ways, namely intra-correlation between different responses on the same subject at the same time, and inter-correlation between observations of the same...
The goal of this study is to design an experiment to detect a specific kind of heteroscedasticity in a non-linear regression model, i.e.
y_i=\eta(x_i;\beta)+\varepsilon_i,\; \varepsilon_i\sim N(0;\sigma^2 h(x_i;\gamma)),\quad i=1,\ldots,n,
where $\eta(x_i;\beta)$ is a non-linear mean function, depending on a vector of regression coefficients $\beta\in {\rm I!R}^m$, and $\sigma^2...
The set of machines in semiconductor manufacturing is heterogeneous and includes complex machines, namely parallel machines, serial machines and cluster tools. To the best of our knowledge, the impact of the performance of each chamber on the overall performance of a given tool is rarely studied. We believe that understanding and explaining the relationship between chamber and tool...